Monday, February 17, 2020

33.In your opinion what are the pros and cons of Police Collective Assignment - 1

33.In your opinion what are the pros and cons of Police Collective Bargaining. Explain - Assignment Example The results of the routine preventive patrol were as follows: change of frequency of patrols was hardly noticed by citizens, resident and commercial crimes were not affected by any given level of police patrols, the experimental beats did not show significant differences in crime report rates, level of police patrols did not affect fear of crime, and there were no variations in citizen satisfaction with the police (Gaines & Kappeler, 2011). These findings depict an aspect of paying no attention to police forces by the citizens. In other words, it appears that the citizens are either used to the police to an extent that they cannot notice patrol variations, or that crime rates remain the same with or without the police presence. Resource allocation to police forces does not seem to influence public perception to security, crime, and police forces. In the context of the assessed situation by Kansas City, police forces appear to be seen as a daily routine. The safety, crime rate, and security concerns remained the same across the three beats of experiments that were held in Kansas (Gaines & Kappeler, 2011). This offers an insight into the public-police relations in Kansas

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