Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Writing Process Like Process Practicing Tennis - 995 Words

Writing process like process practicing tennis. For me, when I began to study English, Writing is too difficult, and I don t know how to write the essay on strong ideas, and well organize. It looks like I play tennis. When I wrote the essays or played tennis, I usually did what I want and what I think that I didn t think about how to write a good essay or do to become a better good player. To become a good writer, I have to practice, learn others, and research important information to support writing. A good essay must have good organize, strong ideas, and the ideas have to support the main ideas. Playing tennis too, good players need to go through practicing process, it has basic techniques that every player have to complete to become a good player. Writing process has been as similar as the process of practicing tennis, they need practice, learn from others, and look for new things to improve all writing and tennis. In WR 121 this term I have learned many things such as summary articles, evaluation, and response essays or articles, but the most challenging is writing response essay. I realize that the writing process like playing tennis process. In research essays, I have to do a lot of research papers to find important credible and important sources that could be response my topic. I researched many subjects, and I felt interesting to respond to other author s ideas. Before I answered the ideas of the authors, I spend the time to read many articles, and then I choseShow MoreRelatedEssay on A Methodology to Teaching Writing2030 Words   |  9 PagesA Methodology to Teaching Writing I believe that achieving success in teaching very different aspects of life may still combine similar processes. My life in high school was very similar to the lives of many other students in that it revolved around two things: sports and school. My sport of choice was tennis and my favorite academic area was English. 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