Saturday, November 30, 2019

Two main types of customer in the travel and tourism industry Essay Example For Students

Two main types of customer in the travel and tourism industry Essay Outline1 Introduction to customer service2 Types of customers3 Elderly4 Business5 Teen Groups6 Student (backpackers)7 Couples Introduction to customer service Customer service plays and important role in running any company, particularly in the travel and tourism industry. If customers receive good customer service hey will be happy and as a result they will keep using the company/organisation. Therefore, the company receives more business and in return make a decent profit. Good customer service involves working to customer need, Speaking on a respectful level sufficient product knowledge, being understanding to customers and remaining impartial, well trained staff, dealing with customer complaints promptly and efficiently, patience, providing alternative products or refunds, appearance (looking presentable), having good communication skills and working as a team. Bad customer service can contribute to customer dissatisfaction. Bad customer service involves poorly trained staff, being patronising to guests, ignoring the customers need. Ignoring customers valid complaints, having limited products available, providing a dirty and unclean en vironment, having a negative attitude towards customers and having a poor appearance which is unacceptable and unprofessional. Types of customers We will write a custom essay on Two main types of customer in the travel and tourism industry specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now There are two main types of customer in the travel and tourism industry. These are internal customers and external customers. Internal customers are members of staff within an organisation or outside suppliers who contribute towards the service that is provided, for example management or supervisors who are part of an organisation, even the cleaners are an internal customer. External customers are the customers who book or pay the organisation there money to stay or to use there services. Type of customer Needs How the accommodation sector meets their needs. Families Families tend to go for package holidays, as this means that all the work of organising the holiday is done for them. Also these are normally quite cheap as they are last minute deals, and they are in 3 star plus hotels. Families need to know that that there children will be safe on holiday, such as knowing that there as a high balcony, as they sometimes have young children with them, so they would like a hotel with no building work going on also they would like to see that the hotel have a childrens pool. Young families would also like to see that the hotel has a kids club, as the parents also would like some rest on there holiday. To continue, the parents would maybe also like some adult activities to do when the kids are in the kids club, such as, golf, spa treatments. Families tend to want to stay in a highly tourist populated area, near the beach and shops. This is so they dont have to rent a car, which would be more expense. There are a number of accommodations that would suit a family; Young families would go for package holidays with such companies as, Thompson, Thomas cook and First choice. These all cater for young families as they have hotels with the specification that they would like from the following column. Families with teenage children would like more to hotels with good pool facilities. And also close to bars and entertainment. They would most probably still book with Thompson and First Choice but they will just be looking at a different location and facilities. Families with their grandparents coming along will most probably be looking for a hotel that can cater for the children with a kids club and near entertainment for the teenagers also some facilities for the elderly such as entertainment like a jazz band. Elderly Elderly people would like their holiday to be relaxing and everything done for them. Their needs are a relaxing place, easy access, entertainment and bus trips. They would prefer a cruise other than a adventure holiday skiing. They would also like to have everything that they need on their doorstep as most elderly people find it hard to walk long distances. The elderly would also like to be in destinations that have shows that are from their era as that is the music that they still listen to. The elderly like to have package holidays as they are not able to book them up themselves as most of them wouldnt know where to start. Elderly people like to have everything organized for them as they like to be told what is on offer for them and choose. The elderly also like to holiday together as they would like to have a conversation with people who have gone through the same as they have, they would like to have the same interests. So most elderly people go on cruises and special resorts whi ch only allow over 60s. .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4 , .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4 .postImageUrl , .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4 , .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4:hover , .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4:visited , .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4:active { border:0!important; } .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4:active , .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4 .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u36de5dca081765c83e30c7317f841fb4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Child abuse occurs like a virus. Child abuse remai EssayThe elderly would most probably book up with a company called Saga Holidays which specialize in holidays for the elderly. The are a cruise company that only accept people over 60. This attracts a lot of elderly people as they dont want screaming kids running around on there holiday. Sage holidays amuse the elderly by have a small pool, normally a jacuzzi. They have entertainment in the sort of a jazz band and live entertainers from their era, also they have a doctor on board so that if they fall in they know there taken care of, as elderly people fall ill easier than younger people. Saga Holidays also offer different cruises like a around the world cruise as elderly people are retired and have a lot of time to relax. Also they offer cruises just around the Mediterranean to see different islands and countries. Business Business men and women would like to go to a hotel that can cater for the needs. Their main need is a need for speed as they have to rush to meetings and they dont have time are time is money for them. Their other need are 24 hour check-in as they need to be able to check-in and have a few hours of sleep but they might have to be up at 3:00AM to catch a flight. Also business men and women also would like to have wireless in their rooms as they might need to check their emails or get some work done. Wake-up calls may also be wanted as they might not have a alarm on them and have to be up early. They may also like a trouser press and they may have a conference the next morning and it has been in a suitcase for a long time. Business men and women also would like a safe in their room as they normally carry a lot of money and would not like to take it out with them. They may also like a international direct-dial telephone. Business men and women would also like to see complimentary toilet ries as they dont want to have to take shower gel and shampoo with them. Business men and women would normally go for a worldwide hotel chain as they know what they will be getting every where they go also their company would be able to pay for the stay in one payment making it more time effective to do this. They would probably book in to a Hilton hotel as they are international and they do have all of the services that business men and women require. The hilton also is luxurious and is not to expensive for the company. Teen Groups Teen groups tend to want to have a cheap package holiday as they dont have a lot of money as they are students working and studying at the same time. Teens are normally looking for a 2-3 star hotel in places such as Ibiza and spain. This is because teens are looking for cheap holidays with cheap drink. Also they are looking for a hotel that is in the middle of the bars and nightclubs, as they just want to go out at night and go to the bars and club. They dont want to have to pay for a taxi all the time. Teens are just looking in their hotels to have a decent bed, a pool and all the basics. This is because they will most probably not spend a lot of time in their hotel as they will be out at the beach and shopping or at bars. Teens will book a package holiday as they want to get a last minute deal as they dont have a lot of money and they just want a cheap holiday in their school holidays. Also as they want their holiday to include flights, airport transfers and any trips they might wa nt to go on, they can just see their holiday rep and the holiday rep will book it for them. Teens generally have a low budget and they know they wont get a lot for their money so they know they will only get the basics. .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a , .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a .postImageUrl , .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a , .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a:hover , .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a:visited , .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a:active { border:0!important; } .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a:active , .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u38913cd7e0dc0d3439764c1fab6c4b3a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: candidate speech EssayTeens will usually go to travel agents or go on Expedia to book their holiday. They will book it last minute as they want a good cheap deal. Teens will normally go to travel agents such as Thompson and Thomas Cook they will also probably fly with Ryanair as they are the cheapest airline. Teens will stay in hotels such as local hotels which are 2-3 star near the beach. Local hotels will have a the very basics as they are trying to earn a living but cant afford to make it a desirable hotel. These normally are very cheap and are bed and breakfast orientated. Student (backpackers) Students are looking for cheap accommodation such as hostels as they are just looking for a night stay in a place. Backpackers never have a lot of money to spend on hotels so they just book in at hostels or camp. They would use local camp sites. Backpackers normally just book accommodation when they arrive as they dont know where they will be and when they will be there. Backpackers have a small limit money wise so they will take bedding in there backpacks so they know if they are low on money they can just tent for the night. Backpackers will basically plan out there journey but they dont have a strict timetable. They are expecting in a hostel, a bed to sleep on and a bathroom also sometimes they expect some breakfast and dinner, but just soup and bread. The other advantage of using hostels when backpacking is that the places that backpackers travel to are usually off the beaten track meaning that they cant find hotels there, so hostels are helpful as they are cheap for them and the y also are in places where hotels arent. Backpackers usually book their holidays through backpackers holiday companies such as STA travel as they offer extremely cheap flights for backpackers, which are probably with no frills airlines, such as Ryanair and Easyjet. With STA travel you can also plan your trip and try to organize what you will be doing from one day to another. STA travel also offer volunteering opportunities which give backpackers a chance to go home some people less fortunate then themselves. STA travel gives backpackers a cheap and easy way to travel and plan your trip. Couples Couples are looking for luxury holidays in amazing destinations, such as maldives caribbean and are surrounded by beautiful surroundings. Couples are looking for a children free resort and they expect everything to be inclusive as they are paying a high premium for they holiday. Couple are looking for a romantic destination by the sea generally and a romantic atmosphere They expect to have restaurants in the resort such as a romantic al carte restaurant. Couples expect their resort to have a spa, maybe a gym also activities such as scuba diving and expeditions out of the resort. They may also like to see see that the resort has a golf course for the man. Couples expect to see in their room a king size bed, champagne and chocolates on arrival, a on suit bathroom also stunning views from there room. Couples also sometimes book their holiday in mind to get married or to go on their honeymoon so they want their hotel to have a luxury feel and also to be able to cater for a lot of guests if they are getting married and if they are on honeymoon to have luxury and peace before they get back to their busy lives. Couples normally book their holiday either from travel agents like Virgin or they book their flights themselves and then book the hotel separately like Sandals resorts as they only cater for people who are over 18 years old as they prize themselves on having a peaceful and romantic atmosphere without screaming children. around the resort. Sandals offer everything that a couple would want as they are at the hight of luxury. These holidays are very expensive are they are a specialty resort. Resorts such as Sandals meet the requirements for couples as they offer everything that couples expect and more are they offer that bit extra like Rolls Royce transfer from the hotel which you wouldnt find and other resorts.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Valley Archive Collections

Valley Archive Collections The modern world as well as the future needs historical accounts in order to be aware of how events have changed with time. There are a number of ways of learning about the past. However, archives provide very important resources that give an account of the past. It is therefore crucial for communities to be informed about the importance of valuing and keeping their archives containing precious historical documents.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Valley Archive Collections specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The archives will protect useful documents, diaries, catalogues, reference books, photographs, music, films, minutes, letters, land records, newspapers, censuses and correspondence which will be invaluable for future generations. The essay discuses the power and potential of the Valley Archive collections, a project which happens to be part of the Virginia Center for Digital History at the University of Virginia. T he modern world has witnessed tremendous information, communication and technological advancements. Virtually all sectors in the society have made efforts to integrate these significant developments. Historians have not been left behind as far as keeping important records that gives an account of the past is concerned. The Valley of the Shadow is a digital archive of very crucial sources of information about the people of Augusta County, Virginia, and Franklin County, Pennsylvania, during the period of the American Civil War between 1859 and 1870. Most archives contain very limited documentation of the past which makes them look like digital books. However, the Valley of the Shadow archive is more like a large digital library that provides an account of thousands of original documents that paints a clear picture of how men and women of Augusta and Franklin counties lived during the Civil War in America. Despite its huge size, the Valley Archive Project is well structured and easy to use. It contains thousands of census and government records which include maps and images, land and church records, official statistics, and tax records, letters and diaries, newspapers and speeches, and they all provide very detailed information about the day to day activities of people in the two counties during the time of the war. The three major sections into which the archive is divided make it easier to browse and access preferred information. The Eve of the War (1859-1861), The War Years (spring 1861-spring 1865), and The Aftermath (1865-1870) are the three sections of the Valley Archive. The click of a mouse on each section of interest enables one to take a tour into this virtual library. As one goes deeper into the library, one gets access to original documentation of most sectors of the society in the two counties at the time of the Civil War. Archives, therefore, are invaluable sources of historical accounts of any given society.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More With the nature of the Valley Archive Project, it is evident that historical accounts can be integrated with scientific and technological advancements that make it easier for historians to access various accounts of the past. This ease of accessing historical information helps researchers in conducting investigations through the analysis of original documentations in their digital form. We can conclude, therefore, that without archives, there is no history. Work Cited University of Virginia (2009). The Valley of the Shadow. Retrieved from

Friday, November 22, 2019

Learn Which Sharks Lay Eggs

Learn Which Sharks Lay Eggs Bony fish produce large numbers of eggs that may scatter throughout the ocean, sometimes getting eaten by predators along the way. In contrast, sharks (which are cartilaginous fish) produce relatively few young. Sharks have a variety of reproductive strategies, although they can be divided into two main groups - those that lay eggs, and those that give birth to live young. Read more about the reproductive strategies of sharks below. How Do Sharks Mate? All sharks mate through internal fertilization. The male inserts one or both of his claspers into the females reproductive tract and deposits sperm. During this time, the male may use his teeth to hold on to the female, so many females have scars and wounds from mating. After mating, the fertilized eggs may be laid by the mother, or they may develop either partially or fully inside the mother. The young get their nourishment either from a yolk sac or other methods, which are described in more detail below. Egg-Laying Sharks Of the approximately 400 species of sharks, about 40% lay eggs. This is called oviparity. When the eggs are laid, they are in a protective egg case (which sometimes washes up on the beach and is commonly called a mermaids purse). The egg case has tendrils that allows it to attach to a substrate such as corals, seaweed or the ocean bottom. In some species (such as the horn shark), the egg cases are pushed into the bottom or into crevices between or under rocks. In oviparous shark species, the young get their nourishment from a yolk sac. They may take several months to hatch. In some species, the eggs stay inside the female for a period of time before they are laid, so that the young have a chance to develop more fully and spend less time in the vulnerable, immobile egg cases before they hatch. Types of Sharks That Lay Eggs Shark species that lay eggs include: Bamboo sharksWobbegong sharksCarpet sharksHorn (bullhead) sharksSwell sharksMany catsharks Live-Bearing Sharks About 60% of the shark species give birth to live young. This is called viviparity. In these sharks, the young remain in the mothers uterus until they are born. The viviparous shark species can be further divided into the ways the young sharks are nourished while in the mother: Ovoviviparity Some species are ovoviviparous. In these species, the eggs are not laid until they have absorbed the yolk sac, developed and hatched, and then the female gives birth to young that look like miniature sharks. These young sharks get their nourishment from the yolk sac. This is similar to sharks that form in egg cases, but the sharks are born live. This is the most common type of development in sharks.Examples of ovoviviparous species are whale sharks, basking sharks, thresher sharks, sawfish, shortfin mako sharks, tiger sharks, lantern sharks, frilled sharks, angelsharks and dogfish sharks. Oophagy and Embryophagy In some shark species, the young developing inside their mother get their primary nutrients not from a yolk sac, but by eating unfertilized eggs (called oophagy) or their siblings (embryophagy). Some sharks produce a large number of infertile eggs for the purpose of nourishing the developing pups. Others produce a relatively large number of fertilized eggs, but only one pup survives, as the strongest one eats the rest. Examples of species in which oophagy occurs are the white, shortfin mako and sandtiger sharks. Viviparity There are some shark species that have a reproductive strategy similar to humans and other mammals. This is called placental viviparity and occurs in about 10% of the shark species. The eggs yolk sac becomes a placenta attached to the females uterine wall and nutrients are transferred from the female to the pup. This type of reproduction occurs in many of the larger sharks, including bull sharks, blue sharks, lemon sharks, and hammerhead sharks. References Canadian Shark Research Laboratory. Reproduction. Accessed January 31, 2012.Compagno, L., Dando, M. and S. Fowler. 2005. Sharks of the World. Princeton University Press.Florida Museum of Natural History. Shark Basics. Accessed January 31, 2012.Greven, H. 2009. Viviparous Sharks. Shark Info / Prof. H. Greven. Accessed January 31, 2012.Hamlett, W.C. Reproductive Modes of Elasmobranchs. Florida Museum of Natural History. Accessed January 31, 2012.Martin, R.A. Elasmobranch Reproductive Modes. ReefQuest Centre for Shark Research. Accessed January 31, 2012.Skomal, G. 2008. The Shark Handbook. Cider Mill Press Book Publishers: Kennebunkport, ME. 278pp.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Event - Essay Example However, last year out of shear spontaneity and maybe a little convincing from my cousin I decided to go sky diving in San Diego. A decision I regretted until the moment I ignored the violent palpitations from my heart, took a deep breath, spread my arms and soured into the open air. The whole event began with me at home one day chatting with my cousin about what was the most daring thing we had ever done. The conversation was pointless and yet it was entertaining and stimulated our brain cells to relive the moments which we dared not revisit on a normal occasion. Some of them were a bit edited as embellishment is a part of every discussion between my cousin and I. As the darkness slowly took over we began to talk about things we thought we could never do and then sky diving came up. My cousin, who is daring in almost everything he does said that he would gladly skydive as long as I joined him. Many thoughts ran through my mind as these words entered my ears and my brain processed them. I reluctantly agreed hoping to hear the something along the lines of â€Å"I was just joking†, but it never came. Instead a date and location was set; San Diego the following Friday. On the day I remember waking up with many different thoughts in my mind, however, all them leaning towards the question, â€Å"Am I really going through with this?† My cousin on the other hand woke up with the excitement of a three year old at Christmas or a bride before the day of her wedding. Everything I did from then on was nervy, my hands were shaking, my appetite was missing and my breathing seemed like that of a person who was suffocating. From all the moments in my life, this was definitely one of the most memorable due to the butterflies that colonized my stomach. I was a prisoner of fear without the option or possibility to appeal. This hour of my life seemed to take place in days as I prolonged the inevitable and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Review article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 18

Review - Article Example The methods of evaluation from the circadian rhythms are illustrated through the article with the results and discussions being used to draw conclusions on the findings of the research. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the different band strain and the impact of the difference in brand strain to develop the necessary understanding of the differences. The findings indicate that each of the three frq mutants described segregates as a single-gene nuclear mutation that alters the period length of the circadian clock (Feldman and Hoyle 611). The finding illustrates that the mutants are different from the band which determines the clock as conidial banding or not. The limitation of the study is on the failure to indicate the different position of the mutants indicating how close they are linked. The study helps in determining the link between the bands and the mutants evaluated in the study. The findings of the study indicate the difference because of the failure of the screening methods. The authors agree that the screening method did not favor mutations on any particular chromosome making the study effective. However, the authors agree that their study was not conclusive because several factors were not examined in the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Product Market Analysis Essay Example for Free

Product Market Analysis Essay In 1873, Adolph Coors and Jacob Schueler, both German immigrants established Golden, Colorado brewery. In 1880, Coors bought out his partner and became the sole owner of Coors Brewing Company. Today Molson Coors Brewing Company is the third largest brewing company in the United States (Molson Coors, 2013). In 1990, Coors Brewing introduced Coors Rocky Mountain Spring Water. The product was short lived and was taken off the market in 1992 after only two years. There are a few problems with the marketing and advertising of this product. To remarket this product I would start with the use of various types of media communication. Television, radio, magazine, and other social media outlets would be take advantage of. Television and radio commercials will be broadcast during sporting event on the major sports networks. The focus on the sports and outdoor community will be the main target. The Coors Company did not target these markets with their product. Magazines advertisements will be added to outdoor and sporting magazines. The product will be advertised on social Medias such as Facebook and Twitter. Facebook also gives the option of paying for more advertisement. This can triple the products reach more than 1000 different views a day. The advertisement for this product was limited to television and magazines. The problem with the television is that Coors was tried to target their beer drinking customer. The times the commercials were aired were during the same times that beer commercials. The customer base that they were reaching limited the exposure. That consumer base is not interested in the Rocky Mountain Spring Water unless is has the rest of the ingredients in it. The big issue that this product has is in the name. Coors Rocky Mountain Spring Water makes you think of the alcoholic beverages that they are known for. This alone discouraged those who do not drink or those too young to drink. In 1987, the average person would consume 4.5 gallons of bottled water per year. That grew in 1997 to 12.7 gallons per person. There an no reason why with that much increase in the consumption of bottled water this product did  not take off (Natural Resource Defense Council, 2013). This product has a simple fix. First, it is important that we change the name of the product. At the least drop the Coors of the name, Rocky Mountain Spring Water. This will still bring in the loyal customers to the Coors product. Any true fan on Coors will remember that Coors is made by Rocky Mountain Spring Water. This will also disassociate the product from the alcoholic beverages. The original product was bottled in glass bottles. This could also hinder the sales of the product. The glass bottles are heavy and harder to store. Change the glass bottles into plastic bottles. This will cut down on the price of the product and make it easier to carrier. The next step would be to us media to get the product out to the public. We need to bring more advertisements to television and radio during sporting events. Advertising online can be done in many different ways. There are ways to reach online customer by e-mail or online advertisements. Facebook, Netflix, and a podcasts offer advertisements during interaction with their services. Online magazines and newspapers also offer advertisements while on the websites. Facebook has more than one billion people who us its services monthly. People spend an average of six hours and 35 minutes a month. Because of the way Facebook works it has a 94% targeting accuracy. This is highly effective when trying to reach the target market (Facebook, 2013). Internet radio is a great way to reach people. Internet radio accounts for 23% of the average weekly listening time among consumer between the ages of 13 and 35. 49% of US consumers listen to Internet radio 30 minutes prior to going into a store and the average online listener will listen almost 12 hours a week (Factbrowser, 2013). All these things I have listed will help to increase the public awareness for the product. The more the public is aware of the product, the more attention it will receive. In 2012 9.67 billion gallons of bottled water was consumed in the U.S. That was up from the 9.1 billion gallons that was consumed in 2011. Despite the efforts of some activist people are still turning to bottled water, and it is showing in the marketplace. References Facebook. (2013, Summer). The Power of Facebook Advertising. Retrieved from Factbrowser. (2013, Fall). Research discovery engine. Retrieved from Molson Coors. (2013, November). MolsonCoors. Retrieved from Natural Resource Defense Council. (2013, July 15). Bottled Water. Retrieved from

Thursday, November 14, 2019

An Essay on Man :: Alexander Pope Religion Essays

An Essay on Man Alexander Pope's An Essay on Man is an attempt to vindicate, as Milton had attempted to justify, the ways of God to man. Both attempt to explain God to man, but come up with different conclusions. Milton states that man can overcome God's design through faith and decency. In contrast, Pope remarks that man must accept what life gives him without trying to change his fate. Milton seeks to "justify the ways of God to men" (Paradise Lost, 1.26) through example. Paradise Lost focuses on the fall of man and the consequences thereof. After the fall of man, Adam and Eve must endure their punishments, and achieve redemption. They can no longer live within the confines of Eden; but through faith and conviction they will persevere. God gives Adam and Eve free will and the use of reason. Although they choose poorly and are punished with the pains and sufferings of humanity, God allows Adam and Eve to live; though not as they were accustomed to in Paradise. They must live life as we know it; with its weaknesses, yearnings, inevitable defeats; but with the knowledge that they can overcome "To leave this Paradise, but shalt posses / A Paradise within thee, happier far" (Paradise Lost, 12.586-587). Similar to Milton, Pope tries to "vindicate the ways of God to man" (An Essay on Man, p. 2264.16), however he derives a different conclusion. Pope believes that "In pride, in reasoning pride, our error lies" (An Essay on Man, p. 2266.123). He sets out to demonstrate that no matter how imperfect and disturbingly evil the universe may appear; it is nonetheless a work of God and must be accepted "Then say not man's imperfect, Heaven in fault; / Say rather, man's as perfect as he ought" (An Essay on Man, p. 2265.69-70). It seems imperfect to us only because our perceptions are limited by our moral and intellectual capacity. His conclusion is "And, spite of pride, in erring reason's spite, / One truth is clear: Whatever is, is RIGHT" (An Essay on Man, p. 2270.291 - 292) that we must learn to accept our positions in the universe, in which we can, lead happy and virtuous lives.

Monday, November 11, 2019


From the early ages of her life Purvi Patel has had an interesting life. From her very early years in India to parenthood, family has been has been the greatest aspect of her life. She was the oldest of four, two younger sisters, Pinku and Chacu, and a brother, Mitul. They lived in Nadiad a small town in Gujarat, India. While growing up there wasn't much to do that was fun. Her parents, Surendra and Amita, were very strict and wouldn't allow her to go anywhere or do anything after dark. As she got older she started taking on more responsibility.At age 11 she had started taking care of her siblings more often and started cooking and cleaning. Her mother made her learn these things at a young age to know what to do later on in her life. While going into her teen years she ended high school at the age of 16 and went to college the same year. While in college she was attacked by a dog contagious with rabies. After she got her rabies shot she was okay. Later the next day they killed the r abid dog. As the years passed she needed to get married. She had an arranged marriage with Amrish Patel at the age of 18.In India at the time there were rarely any love weddings; marriages mainly all were arranged. They grew to love each other soon after. Shortly after they both had immigrated to America and both attended college again. Family life soon followed. When she was 22 in 1993 her daughter, Jasmine was born, though during that time it was a very hard time because of all that was going on. Purvi was still in college and they were looking for a house, but the day Jasmine was born her husband, Amrish, had bought a million dollar lottery ticket which he ost by one number, but they ended up getting $17,000.They kept it in the bank for good use. At the time they were still in college. Her husband, Amrish, had majored in computer technology. Purvi majored in medical technology. She had gotten a Job at a blood bank though she really wasn't too happy about it; she doesn't like bloo d, but she ended up liking it. Amrish became a computer technologist. Soon after, they had bought a house in Piscataway, New Jersey. Then Dhiral was born in 1997 when Purvi was 26.Then in 2006 they moved to Greenville, Illinois, and are currently proud owners of the Econolodge Inn and Suites here in Greenville. Then in the December of 2009 the family went to India for my Purvi's brother's wedding which was also an arranged marriage. The cultural difference from coming from another country made a big impact on her life. From her arranged marriage and her loving and caring family she has grown to be someone who has been through a lot. Now Purvi Patel lives in Greenville living her life in a way to keep adding to this biography. biography By dapdusa Biography Have you ever dreamed of becoming a chemist, a scientist or even an Inventor? Shakes Lean Managing Tomato is recently on her way of becoming the successful one. She Is now taking Bachelor of Science In Chemical Engineering at Technological university of the Philippines Manila, her stepping stone to success. Shakes Is the youngest and the only daughter of Madame Balls Tomato and General Managing Tomato. Manmade, 45 years old, Is a Sound System Operator whileGeneral, 43 years old, Is a Freelancer. On November 11, 1994, Shakes was born at the city of Manhandling, seven months after the DNA Computing was demonstrated by the famous chemical Engineer and Inventor Leonard Deadline. He was one of the persons who inspired her to pursue her dreams. Both parents were catholic by religion and for that their children followed their beliefs. Shakes and her brother Deeds Kyle Tomato grew up to be religious children since they were taught to be a good follower of Christ in Catholic Church. Guidance and manners were properly implemented by their parents.They see to it that good education will be given to Shakes and Kyle. Like any other child of today's generation, Shakes entered the nursery at Rembrandt Christian School in Guenon City, her first experience of attending a school. Her kindergarten was at Dilemma Preparatory School Annex in Novelistic, Guenon City and she was always on top of the class. Grade school was also a memorable part of Geisha's life and as always, she was on a competitive rank. She's very active both in extracurricular and academic studies. Having good grades strengthens her to fulfill her dreams.Freshmen, sophomore, Junior and senior are full of enjoyment, competition and trials for a teenager like Shakes. Friends are unavoidable but she managed to balance her studies and friendship. She took the first half of her high school life at Dilemma Preparatory School Main in Commonwealth, Guenon City and graduated at Saint Anthony Academy of Guenon City in Dang erous. Being on top in mathematics and science, Shakes decided to take an engineering course. Choosing a career of being a Chemical Engineer someday, Geisha's family and her good foundation of education plays a great role in her life.I might say that It Is not the wealth or Influence of environment but having a good foundation In the family and with the support of good education produce a better Individual. Biography By Mural-Galore Eng 002 / MIFF proof. Canoga, Have you ever dreamed of becoming a chemist, a scientist or even an inventor? One. She is now taking Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering at Technological University of the Philippines Manila, her stepping stone to success. Shakes is the youngest and the only daughter of Madame Balls Tomato andGeneral Managing Tomato. Manmade, 45 years old, is a Sound System Operator while General, 43 years old, is a Freelancer. On November 11, 1994, Shakes was born at the the famous Chemical Engineer and inventor Leonard Deadline. He was one of the Dilemma Preparatory School Main in Commonwealth, Guenon City and graduated at education plays a great role in her life. I might say that it is not the wealth or influence of environment but having a good foundation in the family and with the support of good education produce a better individual.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Five-Point Linguistic Star: A Linguistic Approach Essay

We’ve allowed a natural approach to language instruction to dominate our schools, hoping our English learners †¨Ã¢â‚¬Å"will just figure it out.† (SCOE, 2009) This approach suggested by Kevin Clark proposes that teachers explicitly teach ELL by giving them a set of skills. Teacher will have to teach students not just vocabulary, but the sound system of language, the words and their word parts and meanings, and also rules for structuring sentences grammatically. Teaching students from this perspective can support a deeper understanding of the language. When the concept is thoroughly supported by background knowledge, explanation as to why, activities that strengthen skills, and consistency in lesson structure that follows this pattern, students are more likely to understand the concept and create a platform from which to launch higher level thinking and conclusions on following concepts and content area. Students learn more efficiently when they have prior knowledge o n a presented concept. If the student can link content to a concept that they gained from previous knowledge on from their own unique background or culture, it will inevitably spark interest in that subject area. By sparking interest the teacher is now adding value to the lesson. Since students synonymize interest with value, the teacher would prove effective. Now a sense of purpose has now been infused into the lesson, and the student/students may begin to contribute more. (NCREL, 1990) This approach is rather intriguing, and teachers should be trained in linguistics prior to teaching ELLs. I would learn the subparts of linguistics via a course: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. By learning each subpart in-depth, I can better compose lesson plans and activities that explore those areas for the ELLs to better benefit. Understanding the mechanics of a language is just as important as understanding the language itself, for both teachers and  students. The concept of prior knowledge should not be limited to the students but teachers should utilize this concept for their own effective instruction. If teachers have prior knowledge of the subparts of the English language, as well as knowledge of the diverse cultures he/she is instructing can help the teacher create and blend a comprehensive and student-inclusive lesson plan and curriculum. Prior knowledge influences how the teacher and students interact with the learning materials as both individuals and a group. (Kujawa and Huske, 1995) Prior knowledge assists in segue of appropriate instruction and retention, because it is a foundation from which to build from and facilitates the idea of making sense of the educational experience. As the students are learning from the linguistic perspective, especially under syntax and semantics, students would be primed for grammatical instruction, also. As they learn how, where and when to use appropriate vocabulary, I will insert instruction on main grammatical principles and rules and branch off into further instruction where applicable. I would try to make sound non-confusing connections with the native language grammatical principles, so there is a prior knowledge foundation established in that arena as well. I would also have a grammar day in the middle of the week to review prior concepts and morph new grammar lessons into the lesson plan and utilize formative assessment strategies to see what needs to be reviewed and further defined. References Kujawa, S., & Huske, L. (1995). The Strategic Teaching and Reading Project guidebook (Rev. ed.). Oak Brook, IL: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. Restructuring to promote learning in America’s schools, videoconference #2: The thinking curriculum. (1990). Oak Brook, IL: North Central Regional Educational Laboratory. Sonoma County Office of Education. (2009) Structuring language instruction to advance stalled English learners. Aiming High Resource. Retrieved September 16 2014.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Cuzco The Imperial City

CUZCO, THE IMPERIAL CITY It was almost six o’clock in the morning and the flight attendant was trying to make everybody feel comfortable. Even without knowing each other, all of us traveled in silence thinking of our own plans and concerns. Suddenly we heard a noise, a clash that surprised us. It was the pilot announcing our arrival to Cuzco, the capital of the famous Incan Empire. Cuzco is well known because of its buildings, its parks, and monuments, which show us its puzzling and glorious history as one of the most important cultures in America. The moment I stepped out of the plane I began to feel a different atmosphere, the surroundings were full of the Inca’s works; small crafts, frames and vases introduce your body and mind to a millenary culture, as if you suddenly could go back in time and not only your lungs, but also your skin and soul could breathe the empire’s environment. When I reached the luggage hall I heard folk music, full of sentiment and passion, sung by a folk group. I felt a lump in my throat, and my heart beat in rhythm way with the music. It was as if the music had transported me to the gateway of heaven. On the way to the hotel you could see the structure of the narrow streets, the market place and the small parks. The main street, named El Sol Avenue, goes directly to the main Plaza, where you can see a mixture of architectural styles. The arches and columns of the Plaza were made by the Spanish who conquered this fabulous empire, and most of the first floor stone buildings, upon which modern architecture now rests, were constructed by the Incas. In one of the corners of the main Plaza you can see the Cathedral, the biggest church of the city. There you can find the famous bell named Maria Angola, all covered with gold, when it rings it can surely be heard all over the city. The doors are carved and made with cedar wood; they are huge and are almost five meters tall. When you enter the c... Free Essays on Cuzco The Imperial City Free Essays on Cuzco The Imperial City CUZCO, THE IMPERIAL CITY It was almost six o’clock in the morning and the flight attendant was trying to make everybody feel comfortable. Even without knowing each other, all of us traveled in silence thinking of our own plans and concerns. Suddenly we heard a noise, a clash that surprised us. It was the pilot announcing our arrival to Cuzco, the capital of the famous Incan Empire. Cuzco is well known because of its buildings, its parks, and monuments, which show us its puzzling and glorious history as one of the most important cultures in America. The moment I stepped out of the plane I began to feel a different atmosphere, the surroundings were full of the Inca’s works; small crafts, frames and vases introduce your body and mind to a millenary culture, as if you suddenly could go back in time and not only your lungs, but also your skin and soul could breathe the empire’s environment. When I reached the luggage hall I heard folk music, full of sentiment and passion, sung by a folk group. I felt a lump in my throat, and my heart beat in rhythm way with the music. It was as if the music had transported me to the gateway of heaven. On the way to the hotel you could see the structure of the narrow streets, the market place and the small parks. The main street, named El Sol Avenue, goes directly to the main Plaza, where you can see a mixture of architectural styles. The arches and columns of the Plaza were made by the Spanish who conquered this fabulous empire, and most of the first floor stone buildings, upon which modern architecture now rests, were constructed by the Incas. In one of the corners of the main Plaza you can see the Cathedral, the biggest church of the city. There you can find the famous bell named Maria Angola, all covered with gold, when it rings it can surely be heard all over the city. The doors are carved and made with cedar wood; they are huge and are almost five meters tall. When you enter the c...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Format a Book 7 Money-Sucking Book Format Mistakes to Avoid

How to Format a Book 7 Money-Sucking Book Format Mistakes to Avoid How to Format a Book: 7 Money-Sucking Book Format Mistakes to Avoid Self-publishinghas changed everything.Before, you were at the mercy of your publisher on how your book format looked, but today, you have control over this entire process.In fact, you have the final say over everything in your finished manuscript is displayed. Therefore, knowing the proper book format you need is crucial. And with great power comes great responsibility.If youre not careful, you may end up with a sloppy and messy manuscript that an editor will refuse to work on until you tidy it up.Or worse, your audience will slam your book with negative reviews because you published it riddled with errors.An unprofessionallooking book will not only distract readers, it will harm your brand and label you as an amateur, affecting the sales of future books as wellas your current one.Your completed self-published book should convey professionalism in all aspects including with its book format.7 Money-Sucking Book Format MistakesThere are over a hundred things that can go wrong with you r book formatting, and if we wrote about all of them youd be reading from sun-up till sun-down. But fear not!From our experience, most authors make the same mistakes when with their book format.In this article, you’re going to learn what the most common book formatting errors and how to avoid them. By avoiding these mistakes, not only will you have a professional looking manuscript, but youll make the process of designing your book to publish on Amazons Kindle or in print via CreateSpace a lot easier.If you have a completed manuscript with botched book formatting on your hands, this article will teach you how to fix it using Microsoft Word.(A quick note: its possible to do many of the fixes in Google Docs, however, Word has a more comprehensive set of features, so its better to use that when formatting your complete manuscript.)NOTE: We cover everything in this blog post and much more about the writing, marketing, and publishing process in our VIP Self-Publishing Program. Lea rn more about it here#1 Avoid Hard Indents in Your Book FormatA hard indent is when paragraph indentations are created by manual use of the keyboard’s Tab key.Many of us learned how to type using the Tab key to create an indent at the start of each paragraph, so this can be a tough habit to break.When it comes to book formatting, use of the Tab key is a no-no, because it results in an indent that’s far larger than you need.With fiction book formatting, you want to have just a small indent at the start of each paragraph. If your book is non-fiction, generally speaking, you want to use block paragraphs rather than indents, unless your book is a memoir or historical fiction. (More on that in tip #2.) If your book is fiction, you may be wondering how to create paragraphs without the Tab key. The fix is simple: In MS Word, set the Paragraph settings to automatically create indentations for the first line in each paragraph.This simple auto fix will make creating your book fo rmat way easier. In Word 2016, on both Mac Windows, to get to Paragraph settings, click the Paragraphdialog box launcher on the Homeor Layouttab. Then on the Indents and Spacingtab, go to the box under Special and click on First line. You can change the size of the indent using the box to the right. If you’re wondering how big to make your indents, my advice is to pull your favorite book off the shelf, open it up, and take a peek. How big are the paragraph indents?Experiment with making yours larger or smaller, printing out the page, and comparing them to the book in your hand.But what if your 535-page tome has already been drafted, using the dreaded Tab key for each and every paragraph? No need to set fire to your laptop!Here’s what to do to clean it up:Use Find and Replace (Ctrl+H or Control+H or here’s how to find it in Word 2016 on Macand on Windows.)Enter ^t in the Find (This will help you find every â€Å"Tab† in the document.)Leave the Replace fi eld blank.Hit Replace All.Going forward, set your Paragraph settings so that you don’t have to remove hard indents again. Presto!You now have a much prettier, easier-to-convert document through the magic of technology that will make your book format much more professional-looking.#2 Indentation vs. Block ParagraphsWorks of non-fiction today typically don’t use indentation, except for some notable exceptions we will discuss momentarily. Rather, a popular book format for modern non-fiction is the block paragraph.What’s a block paragraph? A block paragraph doesn’t have indentation on the opening line, but instead uses a horizontal line of white space beneath each paragraph. This helps to delineate the separation between paragraphs. For instance, I used block paragraphs in my latest bookPublished., which looks like this:The reasoning behind whether you should use indentation vs. block paragraphs is this: in works where one thought should flow smoothly into t he next, such as in a novel, paragraph indentations are used with no line spacing between paragraphs.But in books where complicated information is being consumed, having a single line space between paragraphs aids the brain in processing one piece of information before moving on to the next.Here is an example from a fiction novel, The Saviors Champion by full-time, self-published author Jenna Moreci of what it looks like to use indents instead of block paragraphs:An exception to the block paragraph for non-fiction/indents for fiction guideline:non-fiction narratives,such as a memoiror historical fiction, should use the same indent style described above in tip #1.In non-fiction works where some information should flow, and other sections require more brain power to comprehend, some authors decide to mix formatting types and use indentation where appropriate and block paragraphs where useful.But in general, to avoid confusing the reader and to make your book look uniform, clean, and a s if you didn’t make a book formatting error, it’s best to choose one style or the other and stick with it throughout your book.However, if you insist on getting crazy and mixing it up, knowing how andwhen to use block paragraphsversus when to indent results in a more professional manuscript.#3 Avoid Double Spaces After PeriodsHere’s the truth: Two spaces after a period iswrong. Period. (Ha!) Just as with the good old-fashioned Tab key indent, two spaces after a period may have been the norm back when you were learning to type.This is because, with typewriters, characters were all the same width, so the two-space rule allowed for greater readability. With modern computer fonts, the characters all fit closer together in a proportional fashion, thereby eradicating the need for that one additional space.Most major style guides- including theChicago Manual of Style, which is used by traditional publishers- now formally recognize the more modern single-space rule.Fr om an aesthetics angle, one space looks neater, which your readers’ eyes will appreciate. Before you convert your manuscript, change all double spaces to single spaces. The result will be a better formatted, stylistically correct book.You’re going to use that super handy â€Å"Find and Replace† function again:Enter two spaces in the Find (This will help you find every double space in the document.)Enter a single space into the Replace field.Hit Replace All.Voila! Like magic.#4 Be Cautious with HyphensImproper hyphenation is a common error that may be harder to stay on top of because the rules of hyphenation differ depending on the grammatical situation.So when it comes to your book format, youll have to do some research.Generally, keep these three rules in mind while you write so youll have to do less work when its time for book formatting:Two or more words that, together, function as an adjective are joined with a hyphen. For example, dark-pink skirt or two-wa y street.Two words or more that form a number are joined with a hyphen. For example, twenty-one.Compound words, which are two words that are joined together to make a single word, donotrequire a hyphen. For example, toothbrush or starfish.Two or more separate words that are used as a single word or idea. For example, action-grabbing, top-notch, or larger-than-life.When in doubt, look it up! For a more detailed treatment of the hyphen, here is an important source to consider:Elements of Style.#5 Know When to Use Quotes vs. an ApostropheFew things scream â€Å"new writer† like a book formatted with punctuation errors. You want to make sure you’re usingquotes and apostrophescorrectly so you don’t lose credibility with your readers.When to use quotes in your book format:When you’re quoting someone, use quotes! This means either a person is speaking- like in fiction- or you are borrowing material verbatim from another source, like in non-fiction.Use of quotes is rarely needed for common expressions.Ironic terms can be set off in quotes.Overuse of quotes can get annoying, so be judicious in their application.When to use apostrophes:Use an apostrophe for possessive form (except the word its.) For example: The cat’s toys are blue.Use an apostrophe for contractions, such as it is. For example: The cat’s playing with its toys. It’s a happy cat.Avoid using an apostrophe for plural forms. For example: Five cats ran past her.Again, the rules can be complicated, such as when to use an apostrophe when dealing with an acronym, so when in doubt,look it up.#6 Be Careful When Using the Enter KeyThere are many times in your book youll want to go to a new page or to create a blank page.This is simple right? Hit enter a few times, and presto, youve got a new page.Wrong.Using paragraph breaks, or hitting enter to create a new page can createmanyproblems when it comes to getting your manuscript ready to publish.For instance, you or y our book designer will need to change your page size or page setup according to the book size and style youve chosen. Using paragraph breaks will create extra space where none is needed and will change the page layouts of your book, making your book look ugly.If youre wondering why after you change your paper size, your chapter headings are no longer at the top of the page, but halfway down, it was because of your liberal use of paragraph breaks.Instead, use the page break function. This instantly creates a new page, and it remains a new page even when youve changed the page size, page layout, or added more content above. On Microsoft Word, this can be done by pressing Ctrl+Enter (Windows) or Cmd+Enter (Mac).You can also find it in the ribbon in Word. Google Docs also has this feature. In Word 2016 go to Insert Page Break In Google Docs go to Insert Break Page Break#7 Use the Styles Feature Instead of Formatting YourselfStop formatting your chapter titles yourself. Many writers indicate a title or subtitle by simply changing the font size and changing the font from the default font (ah,Times New Roman, how we miss you) and thinking their job is done.This makes navigating and formatting your book a pain.What you want to do is use MSWords Styles feature. Google Docs also has this feature. In Word 2016, you can find the Styles section under the Home tab on both Mac Windows.In Google Docs the styles section can be found by clicking the box between the zoom level and the font type.When creating a new chapter, highlight the chapter heading, and then make it a header by applying the relevant style. If its the main heading make it Heading 1, if its a subtitle make it Heading 2, etc.This has the added benefit of allowing you to easily automatically create a table of contents page, or to navigate through your 30,000-word manuscript with Words navigation pane, while also making your book format look professional.You Need a Proper Book FormatWithout question you want your book to stand out because of its invaluable content, stunning tone of voice, and laser targeted towards your audience.However, don’t let your book formatting or grammatical errors get in the way of your book’s success. If youve written your book, and are ready to get it published, follow the guide you just read to make sure your manuscript isnt full of errors.For tips on how to format your book for Kindle, its best to follow Amazons comprehensive guideon the matter. It will help you design your title page on a different first page, your copyright page, trimming to the correct paper size, and the million other things you need to do to get your book ready for print.Your Next StepsThirty years ago, it would have been impossible to publish a book yourself. Today you have all the tools you need to produce a flawless manuscript.Take the time to review your book- and hire an editorand a book designer- to make sure your book formatting is perfectly professional.If youre ready to polish your book format and move on in the publishing process, heres what you can do next.#1 Join your free training!Its not enough to put together a pretty book. You also have to know what to do once youre done and how to go about making itsell! Thats where we come in.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Current Position of Starbucks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Current Position of Starbucks - Essay Example Though profit maximization, sales maximization makes the backbone of every company’s objective, Starbucks have over insisted on this and failed to maximize its quality management and customer needs. The replacement of comfy seats with stands, stylish coffee cups with general cups, stuffy environments and supply of sandwiches whose smell overpowered the sweet scent of brewed coffee is also another strategy that led to the drastic decline of the company’s sales. This shows a complete diversion of the company’s mission and goal. Waitresses and waiters have also been overburdened; they no longer appreciate their work. They feel that the goal they were working hard to achieve and sustain has suddenly changed (Mulcaster, 2009). Brewing of coffee was the major idea behind Starbucks formation. However this idea has changed to automatic making of coffee that customers complain about. The quality of coffee is not felt anymore and so is the social effect of the stores. The employees’ attachment with the customers has reduced due to the tall coffee making machines that destruct the customers view when coffee is made (Mintzberg et al., 2003). ...ategy to help them cope up with the food crisis problems, such as decreasing its prices, or even changing the type of cups to small ones that were affordable just like its competitors deed. Nonetheless, this company did not take into concern efforts made by its competitors. Many stores came up with new strategies to combat Starbuck’s increased sales. The strategy then employed by this company was to open even more stores in the US. However they failed to carry along their distinctive character with them, such as brewing coffee, presence of comfy seats, and ensuring that the sweet aroma of coffee was still intact. As a result the decline of its shares in the stock exchange was inevitable. This is because there is no one who would like to be associated with a declining firm which translates to low di vidends due to the low profits and sales realized. Though Starbucks Company still has the capabilities and resources that can help it to still lead in the coffee world, the environment in which it is running its business is too tight. First the economy has changed. Food prices have hiked, meaning that the disposable income of the consumers is low. They will therefore not opt to take expensive coffee. In addition, its competitors are doing all they can to make sure that they also increase their sales and also penetrate the market just as Starbucks is doing. They are thus growing at the same level. The company’s employees are also getting tired of the introduction of new products. Not that it is wrong, but because their opinion is not taken into concern. They feel that they are not part of the company anymore. However, Starbuck Company can be able to reinstate itself once more and be on the lead in coffee roasting and retailing.