Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Teach Your Children Well Essays - Justice, Philosophy Of Law

Instruct Your Children Well New California law expresses that it is up to the investigators for a situation with regards to whether minors are charged as grown-ups for brutal violations. What should an adjudicator do when eight young men from rural white collar class families, admit to equipped theft and threatening behavior of five Hispanic outsider homestead laborers? For this situation, one must acknowledge what a sensitive circumstance this has become. Whenever attempted as grown-ups these eight young men could go through their next sixteen years in adolescent detainment. They were portrayed as being 'acceptable young men's with no different stamps on their records. With just one purpose behind carrying out such a wrongdoing, these young men need to confront their bigotry while equity is being served, with non-customary discipline that will show a remarkable exercise. As upper-white collar class, better than expected understudies, even a few competitors, these young men clearly don't have the foggiest idea what life is about. Specialists said that the young men were explicitly searching for Hispanic laborers to assault, with the goal that shows the young men had some sort of intention. These days where Americans have a should be treated as equivalent; equivalent open door businesses, equivalent rights for men, ladies, African-American, Chinese-American, and each other gathering of individuals in this nation, one would believe that some place along the line kids would get the message that we are no different. Youngsters ought to be instructed to cherish, not loathe. It is excruciating to see such a wrongdoing submitted only for the unimportant truth that they were extraordinary. Didn't abhor violations end in the sixties? Can any anyone explain why despite everything guardians can't or won't ingrain in their kids standards of an equivalent human ra ce? Dark or white, earthy colored or red, rich or poor, would we say we aren't no different when you flip off the lights? I am not saying that I think this is completely the guardians' deficiency, yet they do need to assume fault. At the age these young men are at, their folks are a portion of their couple of good examples, and they generally will be, yet at this age, guardians are the most compelling individuals in a youngster's life, nothing can approach a mother's disdain, or a dads acclaim. In that sense as well, kids have confidence in what their folks have faith in, not on the grounds that it is correct, but since it is the main way they know. Along these lines, guardians should watch when they state they loathe somebody or some gathering and we should all attempt to be better individuals, for our youngsters. (Gil Garcetti 588-590) In a wrongdoing this savage, thinking about the attackers and their casualties, a proportion of equity should be served. The attackers need to assume liability for their activities. Be that as it may, sixteen years in an adolescent detainment office doesn't appear the most intelligent answer. James Twitchell accepts that, as of late the gadgets of the law are at long last understanding that disgrace has a spot in discipline. (602) And thus, there should be a method of estimating how the young men are restored, and their locale should be included, just as their folks and companions. Equity implies decency. It implies exemplary nature, unbiasedness, trustworthiness, and respectability. Equity ought to be estimated by the casualties themselves, they ought to get the opportunity to see their attackers experience the ill effects of their errors. That is the thing that equity is about. These kid aggressors need to observe equity direct with the end goal for it to have any influence ct on t hem. (Garcetti 588-590) A discipline that can approve such a hiesous wrongdoing should be very inventive. One could simply yell tit for tat! As Mark Costanzo yields, even the frequently misjudged 'tit for tat' section in the book of scriptures was intended to limit instead of require retaliation. (592) But that isn't the manner by which our legal framework works, in spite of the fact that it would be reasonable. Still there are others, similar to Bradley O'Leary who infers that the punishment?should fit the wrongdoing, not the age of the vicious guilty party. As a general public, we can't show any compassion toward, or pardons from, the adolescent thugs?who are wrecking our schools and neighborhoods. (590) These young men will be rebuffed, as they ought to be, however their appointed authority has a chance to change their lives until the end of time. In the event that Encourage Your Children Well Essays - Justice, Philosophy Of Law Train Your Children Well New California law expresses that it is up to the examiners for a situation with regards to whether minors are charged as grown-ups for brutal violations. What should an adjudicator do when eight young men from rural white collar class families, admit to furnished burglary and threatening behavior of five Hispanic settler ranch laborers? For this situation, one must acknowledge what a fragile circumstance this has become. Whenever attempted as grown-ups these eight young men could go through their next sixteen years in adolescent detainment. They were portrayed as being 'acceptable young men's with no different checks on their records. With just one purpose behind carrying out such a wrongdoing, these young men need to confront their prejudice while equity is being served, with non-customary discipline that will show an extraordinary exercise. As upper-white collar class, better than expected understudies, even a few competitors, these young men clearly don't have the foggiest idea what life is about. Specialists said that the young men were explicitly searching for Hispanic laborers to assault, with the goal that shows the young men had some sort of intention. These days where Americans have a should be treated as equivalent; equivalent open door bosses, equivalent rights for men, ladies, African-American, Chinese-American, and each other gathering of individuals in this nation, one would imagine that some place along the line kids would get the message that we are no different. Kids ought to be instructed to cherish, not despise. It is excruciating to see such a wrongdoing submitted only for the unimportant reality that they were unique. Didn't detest wrongdoings end in the sixties? Can any anyone explain why despite everything guardians can't or won't ingrain in their youngsters standards of an equivalent human race? Da rk or white, earthy colored or red, rich or poor, would we say we aren't no different when you flip off the lights? I am not saying that I think this is altogether the guardians' flaw, however they do need to assume fault. At the age these young men are at, their folks are a portion of their couple of good examples, and they generally will be, yet at this age, guardians are the most persuasive individuals in a youngster's life, nothing can approach a mother's disdain, or a dads acclaim. In that sense as well, kids put stock in what their folks have confidence in, not on the grounds that it is correct, but since it is the main way they know. In this way, guardians should watch when they state they abhor somebody or some gathering and we should all attempt to be better individuals, for our kids. (Gil Garcetti 588-590) In a wrongdoing this savage, thinking about the aggressors and their casualties, a proportion of equity should be served. The aggressors need to assume liability for their activities. In any case, sixteen years in an adolescent confinement office doesn't appear the most intelligent answer. James Twitchell accepts that, as of late the allocators of the law are at last understanding that disgrace has a spot in discipline. (602) And along these lines, there should be a method of estimating how the young men are restored, and their locale should be included, just as their folks and companions. Equity implies decency. It implies nobility, unbiasedness, trustworthiness, and honesty. Equity ought to be estimated by the casualties themselves, they ought to get the opportunity to see their aggressors experience the ill effects of their missteps. That is the thing that equity is about. These kid aggressors need to observe equity direct with the goal for it to have any influence ct on them. (Ga rcetti 588-590) A discipline that can approve such a hiesous wrongdoing should be very inventive. One could simply yell tit for tat! As Mark Costanzo yields, even the regularly misjudged 'tit for tat' section in the good book was intended to limit instead of require retaliation. (592) But that isn't the means by which our legal framework works, in spite of the fact that it would be reasonable. Still there are others, similar to Bradley O'Leary who infers that the punishment?should fit the wrongdoing, not the age of the savage guilty party. As a general public, we can't show any compassion toward, or pardons from, the young thugs?who are decimating our schools and neighborhoods. (590) These young men will be rebuffed, as they ought to be, yet their appointed authority has a chance to change their lives until the end of time. On the off chance that

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Mastermind Groups

Driving force Groups A week ago I got a superb overflowing of comprehension from my perusers in the wake of perusing Master Being Yourself. Much appreciated so without question. I do accept my new gathering of authors, a little gathering of like personalities, is better for me. This equivalent week, I was welcome to a Mastermind Group. Kind of Karma-ish, I think. Here I am shutting a difficult entryway, one more swings open. Id never knew about a Mastermind Group, so I found it. a network of steady associates who conceptualize together to move the individuals higher than ever. Your driving force bunch resembles having a target governing body, a triumph group, and a friend warning gathering, all folded into one. See more at: thesuccessalliance.com/what-is-a-plan group.html Genius bunches have been around since the very beginning, clearly. Benjamin Franklin had a place with a Junto, his title for such a gathering. Napoleon Hill in his ageless exemplary, Think And Grow Rich characterizes a Mastermind Group as, The coordination of information and exertion of at least two individuals, who progress in the direction of an unequivocal reason, in the soul of amicability. No two personalities at any point meet up without there Like I expressed a week ago, we must be cheerful in our own skins. In any case, theres nothing amiss with looking for criticism from others, since we dont have all the appropriate responses. We dont need to acknowledge that criticism as gospel, however we should figure out how to acknowledge there are choices to the restricted answers we know. The key is being receptive about those answers, and develop enough to single out what we look for from the blend and not take anything individual. At the end of the day, recollect the objective is still to be glad. That is the reason you need a study gathering, or beta gathering, or article advisor. That is the reason your distributer and operator should be your ally. Consider such criticism like the tool shop. You have an undertaking (you), and to decide how to construct it as well as could be expected, you go into the home improvement shop and study all the discretionary devices. You explore, pose inquiries of the specialists working in the store, at that point cause your choice, to return home, and construct your task. Continuously recall: Advice is discretionary. A definitive decisions of embellishment yourself are your own. In any case how you fabricate, be content with the outcome.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The 10 Rules of Successful Delegation

The 10 Rules of Successful Delegation So you are settling well into your new management role but you can’t help but feel like you have way too much on your plate and you are increasingly buried deep in work.That may be making you feel a little frustrated, but hey, there’s a way out of this â€" delegation.Delegation is a very important skill for any manager, business owner or team leader in the accomplishment of a majority of business goals. If you cannot delegate, you will have a very long shot at being a successful manager.While it might feel good to get all your tasks done on your own, you will eventually encounter stagnation and exhaustion, which will have a negative impact on your productivity.Delegation helps prevent you from getting to this point. In addition, it will allow you to make huge time savings and also present your team with opportunities to develop their skills.In today’s article, we are going to take a look at how to take advantage of delegation to improve your efficiency as a manager or business leader.WHAT IS DELEGATION? Since managers alone cannot undertake all the tasks assigned to them, they have to subdivide and sub-allocate the tasks to subordinates to achieve the targeted results.Delegation is the administrative process where authority to perform a particular task is conferred upon another person.This process cascades from the very top of the company in line with the scalar principle, where a clear chain of authority (chain of command or scalar chain) is established between superiors and subordinates.For example, authority is disseminated from the Board of Directors, to the CEO, departmental managers, first line managers and finally to where actual work occurs.Usually, one person can only effectively supervise a limited number of subordinates.When this limit is reached, they will have to delegate their powers to someone else to oversee the supervision.The managers performance is evaluated not on work actually done but what they get accomplished through their team.As a manager, you can only delegate the authority to perform a task but not responsibility.You are ultimately responsible for ensuring the tasks assigned are accomplished as planned.ELEMENTS OF DELEGATIONAuthority: This is the power you have as a manager to utilise and allocate business resources as you deem fit as well to issue orders aimed at attaining organisational goals. The scope of authority of a particular section-head is usually strictly defined to guard against misuse.Responsibility: Once authority is delegated, the employee to whom the tasks have been assigned is given responsibility over them and as such, completion is dependent on them. They will need to be answerable if the task is not accomplished as required.Likewise, they would be the ones directly in line for rewards associated with the exceptional accomplishment of such tasks. For the employees to reasonably shoulder responsibility, it will be accompanied by adequate authority transfer. That said, the delegating auth ority is holds the ultimate responsibility for the tasks.Accountability: This is the expectation that explanations for variations between the set task outcomes and the actual execution will be forthcoming from the employee to whom a task was delegated. This is inescapable since it stems from the responsibility. It means adhering to the set standards and being innovative.As authority moves from top to bottom, responsibility moves from bottom up. Accountability stems from responsibility and thus flows upwards.For example, if ‘A’ is assigned a task with enough authority and delegates to ‘B’, ultimate responsibility and accountability rests with ‘A’ but ‘B’ will still be responsible and accountable to ‘A’.WHY DELEGATION?Delegation can result in tangible and non-tangible benefits for businesses including saving time, money and reducing burnout.Research has demonstrated that poor delegation could achieve the inverse; increase employee burnout and tardiness, demotivatio n, confuse teams and eventually contribute to high turnover.To ensure successful delegation, managers must abide by some key guidelines that have been identified.To get you started on your journey to successful delegation, we conducted extensive research on some of the key guidelines of delegation that successful managers have been implementing.Below are the 10 rules of successful delegation which every manager must have up their sleeves.1. CHOOSE THE RIGHT PERSON OR TEAMAs a manager, you ought to have learnt, to some extent, the characteristics, personalities, strengths and weaknesses of your employees.You have to identify those that seem to be most passionate about taking more responsibility, leading teams or a new project.A good candidate can be someone who has expressed similar interest before and proven to be innovative.Ensure you engage the employee early enough so that you allow them some time to consider the impact the new responsibilities could have. Be prepared to address their most pressing concerns.It is also prudent to ensure that the employee you choose has the time to accomplish the task in addition to their daily roles. Do not overburden them.Consider their career goals and how their roles might change if you hand over the task to them.This is also an opportunity for your staff to show other strengths that you might not have been aware of.You can also look at it as a way to build on the team’s skillset.Many business owners have groomed their managers this way because they were able to mold them by delegating tasks from when they were at junior levels.Chances are this will also happen in your organization, so it is absolutely critical that you get started with the right people.2. LET GOThe next most important principle of successful delegation is the ability to let go.From the very definition of delegation, it is only beneficial if the manager can free up time to concentrate on higher level tasks such as leadership and strategy development.You must get to the level where you can trust your team to accomplish the tasks as you would have or even better without your interference.After all, you hired the best talent already and you decided on the best person to take over the task.Delegation is on the right track if managerial staff are able to work effortlessly with their subordinates in meeting the accomplishment of day to day deliverables.This involves trusting your staff’s skills and talents as well as their commitment to get the job done.Letting go means that once you have delegated a task to a subordinate, you should not keep checking over their shoulder to see if they are doing right.This will only waste your time and beats the point of delegation. It is actually better not to delegate a task rather than delegate and then keep following up on the task every now and then.It is imperative that you respect your employee’s autonomy; supervise, support and be ready to give guidance where necessary, but give them the spa ce to work on the task.This will actually make your employees more confident in their abilities.3. CLARITY IS CRITICALNo one likes unclear instructions or messages.They will most often leave people confused and can be demotivating, especially at the workplace.Don’t be that kind of manager who often leaves people wondering ‘what exactly am I supposed to do?’You cannot afford to be economical with the details here even when you think the employee can figure it out. Make sure the task requirements are clearly spelt out, as well as the deadlines.You should also explain the reason for delegating the task to the team or individual that you are entrusting the task to.This is actually an opportunity to inject confidence in them as they take over.Confirm that the understanding is shared and that all their questions are answered.If you are not clear with your employee, it is quite possible they could get the impression that work is being dumped on them arbitrarily.The ramifications of a hurried and ambiguous delegation process are quite obvious.The employee might get it wrong and the workload you were trying to shed off will back on your desk.Worse, important deadlines might be missed and revenue and clients lost.4. WHAT IS IN IT FOR THEM?If you are going to delegate to someone then you have to have to spell out what benefits they will accrue from taking on this responsibility.A study conducted by the University of Columbia showed that employees will respond more positively to delegation if they are well aware of the inherent benefits specific to the new tasks they are required to take over.As reported by the study, managers can weave the benefits language around the themes of empowerment, autonomy and increased visibility for the concerned employees.You wouldn’t expect workers to be overly enthusiastic about taking up new responsibilities, and possibly more working hours with no added benefits at a time when employees are trying to prioritize work-life balance. A similar study conducted on firms across California also showed that employees are more likely to take over tasks when there are tangible benefits.The study also revealed that delegating can boost employee’s excitement for work because they usually think of the practice as a grooming technique.5. PROVIDE RESOURCESIt would be detrimental to give your staff tasks and deny them the resources they need to accomplish them. As a wise business manager, you need to plan for this even before delegating.As you are thinking of the task at hand and the person or team that is going to perform the task, you need to think of the resources that they will use to get the task done.You also need to consider what other resources they might require.When supervising the team or checking up on their progress, be sure to also check on how well the resources at hand are working for them.Among the challenges that many managers have faced include details about the location, equipment, time, budgetary appro ximations and horizontal/vertical collaborations that sometimes discourage managers from delegating.Nevertheless, with a well-prepared delegation plan, a manager will ace through this crucial part of delegation. Some of the tools available to help you with resource allocation include, Slack, Evernote, and Wunderlist, among many others that you can easily find online.6. COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELYEffective communication is critical to delegation and is a critical component accounting for many of the success rules outlined in this article.Be sure to communicate and check in with the person or team that you have chosen.Ensure that you check on the progress of the work but do not micromanage. Remember you are there only as an overseer and a facilitator.If your employees feel pressured to act like they are working, then the delegation process will fail.Clearly state your expectations, goals and deadlines. This is also your opportunity to get to know your employees and build long-term relatio nships that will ensure successful collaboration and alignment with company goals.Listen to them and ensure that they know you are listening by giving them feedback on their contributions, complains and suggestions.Do not only communicate when you are giving them the guidelines but also praise them when they accomplish something.This will pump their energies and they will be motivated to continue impressing you with their work.7. BE PATIENT AND UNDERSTANDINGGrowing an employee into the shoes of a new task is quite similar to raising children.You should always be ready for mistakes because they will definitely happen.You need to be patient as they grow up and understand that they are young and bound to make mistakes that you would not do.Nevertheless, with the right amount of guidance, children will grow and become their own individuals capable of handling their own business.Similarly, with delegating you might think that you could do it better and faster by yourself.But as their lea der, you are thinking about the future and the implication this new set of skills your team is acquiring could have on longer-term business goals.As such, your patience comes with a willingness to advice, suggest approaches and providing for room to make mistakes.Remember that even though you have delegated, you are still responsible for the outcomes of the task.Be prepared to explain the task at hand giving details and answering questions which some inexperienced managers would view as time consuming.You are better off viewing this time as an opportunity to learn more about your team and let the team learn more about your thought process so that you can work effortlessly with each other eventually.8. DO NOT OVER-DELEGATEAs we have discussed, delegating is beneficial for both management and staff!That’s right!Contrary to retrogressive opinion, delegating is not just the practice of dumping every other extra load on subordinates but an opportunity to grow employees, the management and the overall company.As such, managers need to be cautious not to fall into the trap of delegating too many tasks such that it beats the entire point of wanting to delegate.You must take into account the talent pool available at your disposal, creativity levels and the time implication.As a guide, you shouldn’t delegate the following;Routine tasks â€" while there is an exception to this rule, you want to best use your employs talents in the most profitable way for the company and not filling paperwork.Crises â€" you are the leader here and there is not time your team needs your expertise and authority than during a crisis.Ambiguous tasks â€" if a task for whatever reason seams ill-defined, it cannot then be passed on to a subordinate.Confidential issues â€" you are probably best trained to handle such matters that require sensitivity.Reprimand or praise â€" this has to come from you if it is to have the desired effect.Team development plan â€" while the team’s input is absolu tely necessary, as the leader, this falls on your corner.If you keep finding yourself increasingly not up to speed with team deliverables, getting last minute updates and not well aware of team priorities, you have probably been delegating more than you should have.You are duty bound to reevaluate how much guidance and structuration you are giving your team and take back some essential control.A good way to determine what tasks to delegate and which ones you need to handle yourself is to use a delegation matrix. Sample delegation matrix. Source: Atlas 1019. SHARE REWARDS AND APPRECIATE YOUR TEAMOnce the task is complete, do not metamorphose into an ungrateful leper and take the credit as solely yours.Recognizing the efforts of your staff will go a long way into improving their morale and commitment because they will feel valued.A simple way to recognize their effort it to have an open appraisal meetings where you gather your staff and praise the employee or team responsible for accomplishing a task.Make sure to spell out the inputs they made towards completing the duties delegated to them. Openly congratulate them for a job-well done.If there are any material benefits accrued from the completed task, share it with them and you will be assured a long-term relationship with that team or individual.10. EVALUATE! EVALUATE! EVALUATE!Now the task is complete and you have appreciated your team. It is time to evaluate!Evaluation is a must if you want to learn from the experience for a smoother one n ext time. It is time to sit down with your team and go through the task that they performed.Ask about their expectations before beginning the task, their challenges, how they solved them and what they learnt from the experience.Let this be the blueprint for the next time you delegate because it is practical and therefore applicable.Collectively brainstorm on the solutions that can be applied for the challenges that occurred during the process.Compare the results to the expected outcomes and the methods that you used to complete tasks.Think of better techniques that you could have used. Think of other novel ideas. To ensure that none of this information is lost, document the evaluation process and set it aside for another day.A Word of CautionWith these 10 rules, any manager can easily become a master of delegation.Managers should however, take caution when delegating. You should know that some employees feel overburdened when given tasks and others might think that their boss just w ants to offload.A recent study, revealed that some employees just think of their bosses as lazy when they give them tasks that they could have done.One employee said she had been willing to take on tasks but after a while saw that her boss seemed to be dumping his work on her, which she felt was very abusive.You will therefore need to clarify these details to your staff so that they can view it as an opportunity for growth rather than a punishment.Remember that delegation is not an easy process so do not expect it to be. Plan ahead of time in order to ensure a smooth process and better outcomes.Make sure you delegate early to ensure that the team or individual has enough time to complete the task effectively.Use your evaluation forms as a blueprint for when next you conduct the process.Be sure to give delegation a chance and enjoy learning and growing with your employees.WRAPPING UPSuccessful delegation is an arsenal for any manager or business leader and a proven technique that hel ps both management and staff to learn and grow. It is also an opportunity for managers to do the job that they were hired to â€" lead teams to complete tasks essential to achieving business objectives.There is a famous business motto that says if a manager leaves a company and there is no one to effortlessly take over, then the manager did not complete her or his job description. Delegation is a manager’s main job.The better a manager is at delegating, the better the team is.The difference between successful managers and their counterparts is the ability to delegate and consolidate the work team in meeting company goals.Once you have used these successful rules for delegating, you will become a better manager, you will save time, and your team will find opportunities to develop their skills as you entrust them with more and more responsibilities.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Letter from a Birmingham Jail - 759 Words

Martin Luther King’s â€Å"Letter from Birmingham jail† is a mix of emotional passion and logical precision that seeks to achieve meaningful cause. The letter was a response to white clergy who were critical of his intention in Birmingham naming him an â€Å"outsider†. King’s response to critics through a letter explains his arguments vividly and effectively. King wrote the letter in a way that he agreed with his critics, nonetheless still using their words against them in logic harmony. King’s letter illustrates the three artistic proofs used to convince an audience. This paper will discuss the ethos, pathos, and logos modes of persuasion as well as writing structure as seen in King’s â€Å"The letter from Birmingham jail†. King’s letter†¦show more content†¦Any law that degrades human personality is unjust† (Jnr, 2012). King’s letter also appeals to the emotions. He uses pathos to appeal to his audience and at the same time influence them. For instance, he uses overwhelming truths to justify his actions he says, â€Å"When you are harried by day and haunted by night by the fact that you are a negro , living constantly in tiptoe stance, never quite knowing what to expect† this will explain to the audience why it is difficult for him and his contemporaries to wait (Jnr, 2012). King is expressive in answering his critics because of his ability to respond eloquently without invoking anyone, his ability to see both sides of the argument, and because of his aptitude to appeal to moral certitude. He poses fruitful questions and according to Savini, good questions guide someone towards developing constructive arguments (Savini, 2012, p. 57). For instance, King posses very constructive questions like â€Å"Why direct action? Why attend, marches and so forth? Isn’t negotiation a better path? † (Jnr, 2012). It is worth to note that not all questions are good, so one needs to assess the questions in a variety of contexts to determine if they help their cause (Savini, 2012, p. 57). King is weary of his primary audience as well as the secondary one. He writes the letter specifically as an answer to Birmingham’s clergymen. When writing it is important toShow MoreRelatedA Letter From The Birmingham Jail1110 Words   |  5 Pagesstatement of the text’ which is often drawn directly from the Bible; (3) the ‘body of the sermon,’ which consists of repeated emotional climaxes; and (4) the ‘conclusion’ which resolves the emotional tension aroused by the sermon by drawing the sinners to God.† (Pipes 143). Based on these characteristics and King’s religious background and experience as a preacher, it is logical to argue that the structure of â€Å"A Letter from the Birmingham Jail† resembles that of a sermon which is aimed at an audienceRead MoreLetter from Birmingham Jail1872 Words   |  8 Pages2015 Letter from Birmingham Jail-Rhetorical Analysis Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote the â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† in order to address the biggest issue in Birmingham and the United States at the time (racism) and to also address the critics he received from the clergymen. The letter discusses the great injustices happening toward the Black community in Birmingham and although it is primarily aimed at the clergymen King writes the letter for all to read. In his â€Å"Letter from Birmingham JailRead MoreThe Letter From Birmingham Jail 1321 Words   |  6 Pages(King). Children ripped apart from their families, not being able to socialize with certain people, or even go to the local amusement park. It was a hard time to be a colored person, and there was one hope. Martin Luther King, Jr. believed that one day blacks and whites could one day come together peacefully. King tried to do what he believed was right with everything in his will to finally join forces and not be talked down on by whites. In the â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† he includes several eventsRead MoreThe Letter From A Birmingham Jail809 Words   |  4 Pagesbut all human beings who were being treated unjustly. He is known for many speeches, but The Letter from a Birmingham Jail† written in 1963 was phenomenal in my opinion; this letter, written in response to â€Å"A Call for Unity,†(Carpenter et. el, 1963 ) an article written by eight, white, Alabama clergymen, was to serve as a response to those who believed that King acted inappropriately for coming to Birmingham, Alabama, as an outsider, for creating immense tension with his demonstrations, and for theRead MoreThe Letter From A Birmingham Jail1266 Words   |  6 PagesDr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a key figure in the civil rights movements that took place in the 1950s and 1960s. The â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail† is an open letter written by King defending nonviolent resistance against racism. The letter argued that people have a mo ral responsibility to break unjust and unethical laws. The letter also stresses themes of unity among brothers in order to overcome racism. I will argue in support of King’s stance that citizens are morally justified in breakingRead MoreLetter From A Birmingham Jail1900 Words   |  8 PagesSummary and Response â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail† John Hodgin English 111-54H Professor Bradford Ivy Tech Community College September 24, 2017 Cover Letter Professor Bradford, Obviously my primary motivation for writing my Summary and Response Draft is that it is a requirement for my English Composition Class. Having said that, I also have another heartfelt motivation for writing my Summary and Response about Martin Luther King’s â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail†. I have studied aboutRead MoreEssay on A Letter From a Birmingham Jail717 Words   |  3 PagesA Letter From a Birmingham Jail In Martin Luther King, Jr.s Letter from a Birmingham Jail, his thoughts and ideas are directly stated, well expressed, explained, and illustrated. Kings style of writing gives the reader a clear glimpse into the world with which he struggled and allows his letter to be powerfully effective. In the introductory paragraph, King introduces his reason for writing the letter and details who the audience is to be. He explains that he rarely answers criticismsRead MoreLetter From Birmingham City Jail Essay1700 Words   |  7 PagesProfessor Ybarra Philosophy 1C 23 November 2015 Letter From Birmingham City Jail Martin Luther King Jr. wrote the Letter from Birmingham City Jail to the clergymen, saying that they criticized the actions and how they were targeting him. He explains in the letter how the city of Birmingham has gone through all the nonviolent campaigns and that it proves that their is serious racial injustice. Martin Luther King Jr. composed the letter to Birmingham in 1963. The reason why so many people were complainingRead MoreLetter From Birmingham Jail Act904 Words   |  4 Pages In April 1963, the city of Birmingham, Alabama, was caught in the midst of massive civil rights protests. Protestors advocating for desegregation brought the city to a halt with widespread disruptive yet peaceful protests. After a circuit court placed an injunction against protesting, parading and picketing King was arrested for his involvement. While in jail King received a letter written by eight Alabama clergymen criticizing King for his disruptive protests and the breaking of laws which leadRead MoreLetter From Birmingham Jail Essay Essay1451 Words   |  6 PagesZhuo Liu Lauren Sassenoff English 1P-5 25 September 2016 Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay In 1963 Martin Luther King Jr. wrote a letter while incarcerated in Birmingham jail to eight clergymen in response to their letter known as â€Å"A Call for Unity.†Ã‚  The letter asked for the stop of direct action type protest in Birmingham, Alabama that Martin Luther King was leading.   The letter has become known as one of the greatest works of argument in American history. Part of the reason for the letter’s

Monday, May 11, 2020

Essay on Toni Morrisons Beloved - Misuse of Language

The Misuse of Language in Beloved nbsp; In Toni Morrisons Beloved many negative methods of communication used by the white people are effectively hijacked by the black people. nbsp;The black people create a completely new message and a positive form of communication. These forms of communication, in turn, empower the oppressed black people, providing channels for the expression of ideas, thoughts, and memories. nbsp; Such was the case in the American culture of the mid 1800s as depicted in Beloved because of the gap in the social status and power of black versus white Americans. The language of the whites was not able to effectively communicate the thoughts of all and was used many times as a method of coercion. Largely, I am†¦show more content†¦He separates black people from other human beings, likening them to some sort of combination of human and animal species. Put her human characteristics on the right, her animal ones on the left. This entire ideology, comparing certain kinds of human beings with animals, devalues the people of the minority to lesser beings. It essentially dehumanizes them. No doubt, plays a large role in the later scene when the boys take Sethes milk, as if she were a cow. nbsp; This all culminates to show the true ineffectiveness and abuse of the standard forms of communication. In fact, on page 175 when Paul D is considering what made them men at Sweet Home he says they could even learn reading if they wanted to--but they didnt want to since nothing important to them could be put down on paper. In other words, the things which were really important to them, possibly emotions such as love and pain, abuse and oppression, could not be articulated through mere words. The idea of the unimportance of traditional forms of communication is illustrated again on page 53. Paul D explains that when black people met on the road they remained silent, except for social courtesies. He said they neither described nor asked about the sorrow that drove them from one place to another. The whites didnt bear speaking on. Everybody knew. In other

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Nike Position Paper Free Essays

Nike Position Paper In our prevalent society today, there is an intricate debate between boycotting and supporting many different transnational corporations such as Nike, Inc. It has been inferred that Nike breaches multiple human rights acts and workplace violations. Dissidently, Nike’s total net income is 273. We will write a custom essay sample on Nike Position Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now 4 billion dollars and their annual revenue adds up to approximately 19 billion dollars. This concludes that global citizens are more than voluntary to purchase their merchandise and endorse their business. Nike is involved in several environmental projects such as building athletic courts out of recycled shoes and their â€Å"air pockets† in numerous models of sport sneakers use nitrogen instead of SF6, which is a greenhouse gas. Nike also has â€Å"green† events associated with The Green Project of Long Island in New York State. Nike manufactures in over 30 countries and sells in over 160, with about 36,000 employees’ total. They also have rights to Hurley International and Nike invests in professional athletes to promote their goods. Nike has dynamic and monumental marketing skills that influence our generation conspicuously. In correlation, multinational business’ pay acceptable wages to workers because they have an innumerable amount of expenses unseen by most people. Corporations have significant distribution and tariff expenses bringing their products to market. Furthermore, transnationals’ pay acceptable wages given that profit margins are not as great as people may assume. Competition between producers is so fierce that profits for 214 companies in 1999 were limited to an average of 8. 3%. A wage premium is also applied where wages are 40% to 100% greater than the average rate in many developing countries. It has been fathomed that Nike violates labor laws. But, anti-globalization people often distort the truth on this topic, as in the case of the fake German documentary film against Ikea. It has also been acquiesced that corporations exploit their workers. It is valid that employees’ work long hours, but a New York Times article indicated that the workers do this willingly because this allows them to make more money than they might be able to earn otherwise. Mass business’ such as Nike, constitute investment and the increased export income improves a country’s equilibrium of payment, introduces otherwise unavailable goods and services that are essential for diversifying production, and stimulates local entrepreneurship by subcontracting to local industries and enhancing competition. â€Å"You don’t win silver, you lose gold,† is a famous Nike quote that has much controversy behind it, as do many business affairs pertaining to this iconic corporation. While workers in Indonesia are being paid around 21,000 dollars a year for a myriad amount of hours of hard labor in one day, one of Nike’s promotional athletes, NBA player Kobe Bryant, is being paid over 500,000 dollars a week to bounce a ball around. Workers are told to sign a contract which removes all their rights, they are typically fired by the age of 35, and Safety Health Administration has found more than 1000 plus violations. Irrevocably, there are two definitive positions of transnational corporations. They have an agglomeration of flaws, but none that can be condemned irremediable. You hear a different opinion from each worker, each newspaper and each monopoly spokesperson. To ostracize such a beneficial asset to our economy would be asinine. People are kept off the streets, with paying jobs, and are making a contribution to society one shoe at a time. How to cite Nike Position Paper, Papers

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Money As A Medium Essays - Marshall McLuhan, Media Studies

Money As A Medium Money as a Medium Marshall McLuhans lasting contribution is his vision of the ways technology affects and changes history and culture. McLuhan proposes that technologies are not mere add-ons to who and what humans are but, rather, alter them as though the technologies really are extensions of humans. Technology determines culture and history to the extent that it shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action. The introduction of money affected culture in that this new technology gave rise to accelerated change and growth within society. Money increases the volume and diversity of trade and it facilitates the exchange of goods and ideas. It also provides a means of showing who gives and who takes to and from society. Money is an extension of mankinds ability to give, receive, and exchange. McLuhan claims that all media are extensions of man, and subsequently, money extends the human faculty of giving and taking work. McLuhan states in Understanding Media: Money, which had been for centuries the principle transmitter and exchange of information, is now having its function increasingly transferred to science and automation. (142) Moreover, money makes possible many other enterprises and technologies. The invention of money changed society and caused change. For example, seventeenth century Japan was affected by this new technology. It caused a slow revolution, the breakdown of the feudal government, and a revival of foreign trade. McLuhan also emphasizes in Understanding Media: Like any other medium, it is a staple, a natural resource. As an outward and visible form of the urge to change and to exchange, it is a corporate image, depending on society for its institutional status. (133) McLuhan implies that money is a chief item in society, but depends on the members to define it. Giving value to an object creates money. A person then takes on the role of tracking the exchanges of the object, or issuing notes or tokens that are accepted by the community. Pythagoras introduced coinage into Southern Italy around 500 B.C. In his time, one of the prominent questions thinkers were asking was What are things made of? Some said fire, some said water, or earth, air, or some combination thereof. Pythagoras was one of the first to introduce the idea that it is not so much what things are made of, but that their form is important. The particular type of form he was interested in was mathematical. It is fitting that he introduced money that abstracts worth into a value and provides a common unit of measurement. In its abstraction of worth into numeric value, it habituates humans into dealing with numbers and, more generally, promotes the sort of quantitative analysis that is prerequisite for deeper mathematical thought. This deeper mathematical thought acquires a position in daily life because of money. The language of number becomes as common as other forms of language. Money makes humans into precise bean counters, then geometricians, and then urban engineers. Modern probability theory came about in the eighteenth century as a result of attempts to solve gambling problems. Considerable mathematical ingenuity has been exercised on problems wherein the entities under consideration were dollars. Money, in addition to providing motivation toward knowing elementary mathematics, comes also to mediate the environment that builds the paths society walks. Banks and depositories were created just on the basis for lending and storing money. Stocks are based on the idea of investing money. One cannot picture todays society without the use of money. McLuhan feels that a mechanized culture needs money for coordination and communication between different specialist functions. Work, time, and money become interre lated, but separate. He remarks that money separates work from other social functions. In this, McLuhan reveals that money makes a job rewarding, and therefore that job serves a specific purpose in life. The job provides money, which is necessary for everyday living. Money mints a hot connection between numbers and desire. It is not money that gives rise to human calculations and schemes, but rather desire to experience certain feelings. Humans do not want a particular item for its own sake, but rather to have certain feelings. Humans have knowledge of how they want to feel; this gives rise to what they